It’s a cartoonishly bleak backdrop for a game where giant men in giant armor hit each other with chainsaw swords. The Imperium of Man stretches across the stars, and is a nightmare future where chances are pretty good you’ll get born in a sewer, rise up to become a lobotomized cyborg factory worker, and then have your skull turned into a little robot that carries toilet paper. The 40k setting is one of the more compelling aspects of the game. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war (and yet more skulls). In 2020, Games Workshop released the game's 9th Edition, improving on the already well-received 8th Edition with cleaner rules and a greater focus on achieving tactical objectives. It has over 30 years of rulebooks, miniatures, novels, video games, and death metal set in its expansive universe.

Warhammer 40,000 (aka 40k aka Warhams) is a tabletop miniatures wargame created by Games Workshop set in the far-off forty first millennium. Welcome to the Warhammer 40,000 thread! Check out the previous thread here.