With my current MLCC fleet of 4 Heavy Ospreys, a Xenon J and 22 Albion Pride's accompanied by my personal Acinonyx very hard combat mission that spawn 1 - 2 M7's, 1 - 4 M6's and some additional ships are a blast for me. Yes, the gun mounts in these are not so good, but the amount of missiles these can spill in the space is impressive and devastating. There is only two M3's that can use Typhoon missiles, Albion Pride and Medusa prototype (if miner variants are not counted for.). As missile boats, oh boy are these good or what.Assigning freighter duty changes the name, but after the next landing to homebase, name changes back to security ship They still function as all freighters do, so it is just a small inconvenience in the automated naming. Only downside is, that when you assign homebase to MLCC dock, even if the duty is freghter, these ships will show as Security ships. As long as the MLCC docks and the source dock (HQ in my case) are in the same sector I'm going to use similar setup from now on. So I've finally got to try those Albion Prides as both MLCC missile boats and as freighters to MLCC docks. Has anyone tried these out in courier and/or freighter duties? Not exactly sure that can I use these in freighter duty or did it require TL/TS class ship, have to check it from encyclopedia when I'm playing next time. HQ is bringing stuff in from factories and re-distributing it to the MLCC docks in the same sector. Mainly I was thinking that I'd use these to keep MLCC docks supplied with missiles and energy as I'm keeping my MLCC docks in the same sector as HQ.

Ranger has top speed of 330 m/s and cargo hold of 430 (M). Same courier or freighter duty is the only reasonable way to use Goner Ranger as it has no guns and can use only chaff missiles. Has anyone had experience trying these out as anti-corvette strike crafts? It's only a volley or two and laser energy is swamped, but if you add 20 of these its easily destroying a M6.

Gun mount number of the ship is ridiculous 4 + 2, but the CIG in main guns + huge cargo space make it interesting to use as either anti-corvette strike craft in numbers with missiles or as courier / freighter for L or smaller size cargo. These are interesting ships.Īlbion pride has top speed of 204 m/s, max cargo hold of 750 (L) and it can mount CIG's in front mount (4 pcs). I got my hands on both the Albion Pride and to the Ranger.